Friday 23 January 2009

Bournemouth’s Heroes’ Record Breaking Magic

Students at Bournemouth University set a new World Record on Thursday when 103 people dressed as superheroes.

The students involved arrived at the university dressed in a variety of costumes to raise money for the BBC fundraising event, Children In Need. The university students and lecturers found themselves surrounded by characters from films and comics ranging from Disney and Pixar hit ‘The Incredibles’ to, the most popular choice, DC comic favourite Superman.

Participants each donated £5, amounting in an impressive £515, before calculating donations from boxes placed around the two university campuses.

A group of selected representatives for the event then appeared on the Friday night charity event in Basingstoke, displaying a suitably large cheque.

Georgina Williams, a first year student studying Business Studies in Bournemouth, was at the university when the world record attempt took place.

“I think it is really good that the university are supporting such a good cause. A lot of student at the university don’t have a television because a TV licence costs so much, so the university definitely increased awareness of Children in Need with this event. I also think it shows how successful the Student Union is in Bournemouth. It’s a shame that there couldn’t have been more people taking part – it would have been nice to get the number up to about 200.”

Bournemouth Student Union is hoping to continue their fundraising for similar charities, after a great deal of success in the volunteer based Raising and Giving (RAG) week earlier this term.

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