Friday 23 January 2009

Crossbow wielding maniac killed in Bournemouth

A crazed double killer has been shot dead by police in Bournemouth this afternoon.

Pascal Tonk, 21, of St Anthonys Road was killed around 12 noon after rampaging through Bournemouth with a crossbow.

Barry Linden, Dorset Assistant Chief Constable has said, “ We did set out to kill Mr Tonk but I must think of my men’s safety first. The suspect was cornered at Talbot Combined School in Wallisdown and exited the school brandishing a crossbow. He was shot after he began to fire at the policemen present.”

Today’s events began when alarms were raised at 8am after a JCB was used to break into the Keiron Verdon Range at Chapel Gate Sports Centre. The leisure centre, near Bournemouth International Airport had no CCTV cameras, and the police were left with no leads after the suspect escaped with a crossbow and bolts.

Following the break in, an attack in Horseshoe Common left a dog with a life threatening injury, after being shot by what its owner called “a bow and arrow”. Pippa Shufflebottom, 20, a mobile hairdresser from Canford Heath witnessed the event.

“The man was circling me and my dog Bouncebackability on his bike laughing. He shot Bounceback and then cycled away.”

Police were then left shocked by the murder of a Belgian National, named Mels Rattue, outside St Augustus Church, who was attending a Bonsai Tree convention. The victim’s friend, Dennis Landsbert, 52, was there at the time.

“Mels was just getting off the bus when this man shot him in the eye with a bow and arrow. The police surgeon declared him dead at the scene.”

Police frantically searched for the man responsible, but did not release names until a fire was reported in St Anthonys Road. The residence of Pascal Tonk was set fire with both his mother, Louise, Lu-Lu Tonk, 32, and the family dog, Laughing Gravy, left inside.

Mr Linden said: “Both Mr Pascal’s mother and pet German Sheppard were found inside the building decapitated and covered with petrol. We believe they were killed with a machete. It is a very sad end to today’s events.”oHoHH

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