Friday 23 January 2009

London pensioner, 89, reflects on her childhood

Clarice Goldser’s first childhood memory was being involved in an accident in her home that left her with a head injury.


The sprightly 89 year old was just 6 years old when, whilst playing with her brother Monty, now 88, she caught her foot on an armchair and hit her head on the stone fireplace.


“I remember our Mum telling my brother that he was being too rough with me. She insisted that someone would get hurt. Monty still feels guilty now. He made me a very nice get well card! I had a cut on my head, but it wasn’t an awful injury.”


Clarice went on to marry Barnett Goldser, a factory owner, also from London, in 1943.


“I had a happy marriage. I was lucky enough to have three fantastic children – Lynne, Carol and David. They’ve all done so well in life it’s such a pleasure to see them happy. And they have such wonderful children!”


Sadly, in 1965, when her youngest child, Lynne, was just 11 years old, her husband died.


“It was hard. I had to put my children first so my first priority was earning money. I have to admit I was lucky – I was able to put together the money to open my own shop and I sold clothes to people in London. I really enjoyed it.”


Nowadays Clarice is far more likely to be seen at her local bridge club, competing against other pensioners in her area.


“I really enjoy bridge. I’ve met lots of new friends there. I’m not interested in sitting and resting all day – I’m determined to stay as active as possible.”

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